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Websites in english about
Domaine Nicolas GONIN

screenshow www.wassermanwine.com

Domaine Nicolas Gonin, the orphanage for homeless grapes

by Paul Wasserman
NICOLAS GONIN makes wine in the Isère, a wine growing region you've most likely never heard of. Ironically, though, this is not what is most exciting about him...

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screenshow www.wassermanwine.com

December Blues or Good, Cheap Wines I've Drunk Recenty

by Sophie's Glass
Returning to my comfort zone, Nicolas Gonin also came to pour at the store a few weeks ago. Gonin makes wine in a far-flung départment of France called Isère...

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screenshow www.ledomduvin.com

Persan/Mondeuse Nicolas Gonin

by LeDom du Vin
Are you kidding me? Is that a joke? We are the 1st of April, fool's day, and the weather is crappy, melting snow has been falling since this morning on New York and it is not really motivating....

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"Le domaine a été créé petits bouts par petits bouts avec les vignes de 20 propriétaires différents. Toutes les vignes que plus personne ne voulait travailler…"